News Archives

Anthem, UC system extend contracts with CalPERS

Posted 287 days ago ago by Mark DeVaughn   

CalPERS is pleased to inform you that Anthem Blue Cross and University of California Health have agreed to an extension of their contract through March 1, 2024 with both parties agreeing to finalize contract negotiations by Dec. 31, 2023. Anthem and the UC system will issue a joint announcement about this news today. CalPERS will update its website with this new information. Today is the last day of Open Enrollment so members still have to time to make changes.  Please note that a member can rescind (undo) a change they may have made during Open Enrollment any time before the new coverage starts on Jan. 1, 2024.

CalPERS has updated its website with this information: 2024 Anthem Blue Cross UC Health System Contract Negotiations Frequently Asked Questions - CalPERS PERSpective